
~Building my classic wardrobe~

I recently sold quite a big part of my wardrobe to buy more classic (or even casual) lolita items. I was lucky enough to find some very beautiful pieces I had been looking for for years.

First, my first lolita jacket, from Victorian Maiden:

I love it, it looks so elegant when worn~ and it's warm enough for spring and automn.

I also bought two JSK from Innocent World

Acanthus JSK

I can't take a good picture of mine T_T

The fabric is light and soft. And the flocky print... <3 This JSK is just perfect!

?? JSK:

I don't know its name...However, I love the bodice and the chiffon skirt! It can be worn with or without a pannier, so I wear it a lot as a "normal" dress.

A cutsew, still from Innocent World:

I love the lace!! It can be worn under a JSK or with a skirt, and it's light enough to be worn on summer!

I also got some tights from Victorian Maiden, but didn't manage to take a good picture of it.
They are the ones:

I didn't realize I had bought so much black...I should look for some ivory and florals now~
I like wearing classic better than old school lolita, which is a good thing. It is also more suitable for work. (I worked in a library and noboby told me anything about the way I dressed. I'm glad, since I want to work in a library after I graduate~)

Next time I'll make a review of the VM bolero I ordered and its Bodyline replica!


Today's outfit [19/05/14]

JSK, necklace: Innocent World
Blouse: Axes Femme
Headpiece: Mur Melche

My tights have  gold details.


Today's outfit!

Necklace, cutsew: Innocent World
Skirt: BodyLine
Tights, headband: offbrand

I'm back! Sorry for leaving this blog for so long, but I really didn't have any time to write or even take photos of my coordinates...

I sold a lot of things from my wardrobe, and bought a lot of classic pieces, mostly from Victorian Maiden and Innocent World ♥
I'll update my Poupéegirl with my new purchases soon ♥

I'm also waiting for some things in the mail~

In black x black!
In black